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10 euro San Maríno 2011 - Anniversary euro - PROOF

10 euro San Maríno 2011 - Anniversary euro - PROOF


10 euro San Maríno 2011 - Anniversary euro - PROOF

59 € s DPH

Dostupnosť: Skladom

The coin depicts on the obverse the coat of arms of the Republic of San Marino by BINO BINI. On the reverse sections of coins distributed around the edge and the value “10 EURO” in the coin centre. In the upper part a lower piece of the coat of arms of the Republic of San Marino with the inscription “SAN MARINO”. Always in the upper part, on the right, a piece of a San Marino Tower, three stars and the inscription “2002-2012”. Just after, always on the right, three stars and the upper part of the coat of arms of the Republic of San Marino; At the bottom four stars and the inscription “X ANNIVERSARIO EURO”. On the left side 2 stars and the issue year “2011”. The coin is completed by the symbol of the Italian Mint “R” and the artist’s name COLANERI.

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